fd pineapple for chocolate
Thai domestic freeze-dried pineapple is impregnated with white chocolate in Japan to create a delicious masterpiece.
Thai domestic freeze-dried pineapple is impregnated with white chocolate in Japan to create a delicious masterpiece.
frozen dried mango cashew nut block
What looks like fruit is actually chocolate-filled fruits .
Wishing you everything goes well and express my hope for your happiness and good future.
Freeze drying equipment supplied to well-known and large Japanese enterprises.
Non GMO soybeans from Northeast China are used, and the production of tofu and freeze-drying processing are all completed in their own factories. It is a healthy and delicious convenient food. Start adding complementary food baby can also be eaten.
We can supply the IQF or Freeze-dried dragon fruit(pitaya) dice cut.
After Vacuum Freeze-Drying, fresh passion juice can be drunk anytime anywhere.
Hand-picked freeze-dried diced strawberries. 5*5mm Cut.
Freeze-dried diced chicken being sifted。Lyophilized diced chicken being sifted.